Monday, August 16, 2010

New and Emerging Technologies: Reflection

I have learned a great deal from this course. I not only gained a wealth of information regarding the value of implementing new and emerging technologies in my classroom and school, but also how to carry out the successful implementation.

I feel that the assignment that we completed in weeks 6 and 7 of this course, our game plan for implementing new technologies, was very valuable. I was able to reflect on what I have learned and form a plan on the steps I will carry out. New and emerging technologies are effective tools for fostering 21st century learning. Democratization of knowledge, participatory learning, and authentic learning are the necessary change agents that must be present, for students to achieve the type of learning necessary for them to be successful in the world today. Students learn best through activating their prior knowledge, working and interacting with others, as well as being able to apply their learning to real-world situations. Teachers should utilize these 21st Century change agents to plan and guide their instruction. It is evident that this type of instruction engages students by fostering interest ad therefore motivating them to take an active role in their learning. The interactions that are made possible help students to build meaning through problem-based and inquiry learning. Students are also able to construct knowledge through experience and therefore better retain what they learn. Tapping into a students prior knowledge is also a highly effective strategy.

I enjoyed the opportunity to design my personal game-plan for implementing new and emerging technologies. I felt the assignment required us to think through the steps of actually and successfully implementing these changes from start to finish. Immediate steps that I will be taking are to first educate my administrators and colleagues in the benefits and endless possibilities that are available to us as teachers and our students through the use of several new and emerging technologies. My next step will be to seek and request funding through an educational grant to ensure that students are given the opportunities to learn with these valuable tools. I also plan to continue to remain current in the area of technology education and to be a continuous learner so I may provide my students and the students in my school with the knowledge and opportunities to be successful in learning, and in life.

Sarah Horner

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Educ 6714: Week 8 Reflection

I have learned a great deal from this course. I have gained a variety of strategies and resources that will help me to reach and engage all learners, specifically through the use of technology. Aside from the course assignments and weekly resources, my groups page, Group 3, has provided valuable resources to use in my instructional practice. I have spent a considerable amount of time exploring the links we have compiled and I plan to continue to use them to help improve my instructional practices.
I am focused on how I will use these resources in rspect to the upcoming school year. I am working to integrate technology inot my classroom more completely this next school year. From the knowledge that I have gained through this course, I am striving to truly implement the Universal Design for Learning and a true level of differentiated instruction. The first steps that I will take will be to design my own inventory and/or use one from our resources, for parents to complete about the readiness levels, interests, and learning styles of their children. I will use this information to begin adapting my content, and instructional methods to reach and engage each individual learner in my classrom. One I have identified and explored the specific abilities and characteristics in my classroom I will continue to use the resources identified in our Differentiation Station to design instruction that provides Multiple Means of Representation, Expression, and Engagement! I am so excited to see what this change to my instruction will yield in my students' learning.
I am also focused on using the resources to integrate a higher, more developed level of technology within my classroom. I want to implement tools for both myself and my students that will foster differentiation. Again I plan to utilize Group 3's resources to assist me in this process. I want to continue to explore and familiarize myself with the tools and strategies that were presented and included in this course. I would also like to make strides to educate my administration and colleagues on these tools and their benefits in hopes to make more of it available to us teachers.
Overall I have learned a great deal from this course. My ultimate goal is move forward with the implementing of UDL and DI in my classroom. I am making changes to my instructional practices and the learning environment that I create for my students. I am anxious to truly and completely adapt my teaching to better meet the needs of all of my learners!
Sarah Horner

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 8 Reflection

My GAME Plan was a very effective tool for me to use. It has made me grow as a professional who is better able to effectively implement technology into my classroom. It has also encouraged me to provide better and more meaningful opportunities to collaborate with others using technology. I have developed several new strategies for teaching with technology and allowing it to be a tool that enhances my teaching.
My main two goals in my GAME Plan were to better integrate technology into my classroom and to better use technology to collaborate. The things that I have learned from experienceing this process first hand will have a very positive effect on my instruction. Not ony do I have more ideas for ways to accomplish these two goals, but my confidence has grown tremendously. I am not afraid to take risks or try new things, in fact I welcome the opportunity to learn and grow!
Technology in my classroom has gone from once a year to once a week. It is evident in my daily practices and my students' learning. My ability to successfully integrate technology into my classroom has improved greatly from this course!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

I am still learning the process of using a GAME Plan. I have seen how much it has helped me to grow as a teacher and am more than willing to use the process with my students. I feel that I have increased my level of knowledge and effectiveness at implementing technology because of my GAME Plan.
As I viewed and reflected on all of the standards included in NETS-S, I feel that they are all important. They are closely related to NET-T. I chose to focus specifically on a few that would be appropriate for kindergarten students. For instance research, other than guided by me, has been a struggle for them. I can absolutely see me developing a GAME Plan for each! My students are not able to develop one for themselves, but I would involve them in the process. Together we would develop a goal, which is important, it is the same as them being aware of any learning objective. Students should always know what they are learning, how they will learn it, and why they are learning it! I would develop the action section of the process, the actual instructional delivery. Next I think we would work together using data collected and students personal thoughts to modify what we are doing! Last we would collaborate to evaluate the process. Did we meet our objective?
When you really think about it, GAME Plans are just like good teaching! We have a purpose, those learning it and those teaching it are aware of it. There is action and I believe it should be taken by both students and teachers! We all know the effects of teacher directed learning. In order to modify we must consider what changes should occur. We also know that assessment/evaluation drives instruction and therefore must occur after any concept is taught in order to see the next step!

I not only plan to use the GAME Plan process with my students, I cannot wait to get started! Any ideas or suggestions from my colleagues woulde be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 6: Revising Your GAME Plan

I do believe that I am still strengthening my confidence for implementing technology into my classroom. I personally believe having good instructional practices in place is only half the battle. These strategies must be modified, adapted, and practiced in order to be higly effective. Therefore, I would say I am halfway there!

When I consider then, revising my GAME plan a few thoughts come to mind. One thing that I have learned is a challenge with using technology in the classroom, is more often than not it looks better on paper. Meaning unfortunately, with the use of many of the forms of technology available to me, comes unexpected issues. I have really learned to always be prepared and always have a back up plan! As I said before although I have implemented technology, I don't feel that I am "strong" with using it yet. Therefore, at this point I do not want to change my goals but rather keep them in place and continue to strengthen my abilities in those two areas. I will say that I have begun trying some different methods for collaboration with technology. My goals to extend are in the works. One way that I am continuing to work on collaborating is that I am currently building a list of appropriate and kid-friendly educational websites that I can send home to parents to help review and extend content skills. I would also like to continue to explore technology integration using some of the other learning approaches we have learned in this course!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 5: Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but honestly not much has changed since evaluating my progress last week. My students are enjoying exploring different ways that we can "clean-up our home", which is "kindergarten" for recycling and finding other solutions for pollution! In our school we have made and posted posters with some of the ideas that we have found using search engines. They enjoyed using the computers to locate resources for recycling and how we can encourage and motivate people to do so! On the posters we were sure to give credit to the websites we used because we also printed off some pictures from different sites. We are also helping our custodians once a day to collect recycling from the other classes in our school. We are therefore collaborating with others in our school, however I haven't found a way for them to do so digitally. Therefore as I said, not much has changed considering the collaboration piece is still my goal!
So far the actions that I have taken have been useful in meeting my goal. My students have gained an understanding of real-world issues and their potential part in it. They were able to use technology as a learning tool and have exhibited more than an adequate amount of knowledge gained. I have learned to loosen the reigns quite a bit once I have guided them into good learning practices and have allowed them to work together and collaborate with out me directing them. I still need to learn how to best incorporate the collaboration piece in a digital form and that is my next goal!

Sarah Horner