Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 5: Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but honestly not much has changed since evaluating my progress last week. My students are enjoying exploring different ways that we can "clean-up our home", which is "kindergarten" for recycling and finding other solutions for pollution! In our school we have made and posted posters with some of the ideas that we have found using search engines. They enjoyed using the computers to locate resources for recycling and how we can encourage and motivate people to do so! On the posters we were sure to give credit to the websites we used because we also printed off some pictures from different sites. We are also helping our custodians once a day to collect recycling from the other classes in our school. We are therefore collaborating with others in our school, however I haven't found a way for them to do so digitally. Therefore as I said, not much has changed considering the collaboration piece is still my goal!
So far the actions that I have taken have been useful in meeting my goal. My students have gained an understanding of real-world issues and their potential part in it. They were able to use technology as a learning tool and have exhibited more than an adequate amount of knowledge gained. I have learned to loosen the reigns quite a bit once I have guided them into good learning practices and have allowed them to work together and collaborate with out me directing them. I still need to learn how to best incorporate the collaboration piece in a digital form and that is my next goal!

Sarah Horner


  1. Sarah,
    “Ditto” to your feeling of not much has changed since last week, I know one thing that has changed for me is I am on spring break which means I have time to catch and evaluate my plans for the remainder of the year.

    I was very impressed with your student’s efforts to start and help with the recycling effort at your school. I think it would be wonderful to create a digital story of their recycling efforts, the students could illustrate it or they could take photographs. I wonder if you could create a voice thread with their story and receive comments from others. I know if I knew about it I would take the time to watch it and respond to your students. Not exactly collaboration, but a digital connection.

    I do believe your students are collaborating with others through face to face interaction which is a start. I was also impressed you included a web site reference on your posters; you are doing a tremendous job teaching digital citizenship. Good luck in the future, perhaps you will find another primary class on the internet working on recycling and you could Skype with each other (as Kathy Price another classmate from Walden) has done.
    Jennifer Hardy

  2. Sarah,
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I have worked on my GAME Plan but it seems that not much is being accomplished. This process is taking much longer then I had envisioned. It’s good that your students are learning about real-world issues and are enjoying the technology they are providing.

  3. Sarah, I also feel like not much has changed since the last blog post. In response to your post I think that it is great that your students are taking a recycling initiative at your school. This as a good example of a real-life issue that your students will be able to take a problem-based approach to solving.
    - Justin

  4. Hi Sarah,
    Wow!! It sounds like you and your students have been very successful! I am really impressed! The more I think about my GAME Plan and these lessons, the more I need to change things. I think that having the posters with the websites listed on them is a great idea. Perhaps more teachers in your school will go off of your cue and begin to integrate technology the way you have. I think that begining with a real-life issue that your young students can truly grasp is key. Great job, Sarah! I will definitely share your idea with the kindergarten teachers at our school. I think they would love it!
